12. Your business does not define you

On this episode I share openly how I’ve struggled with my self-worth and sense of success and letting that be defined by my business success. If you tend to identify with your business in dance music, then this might bring you some insight and words of encouragement you need to not internatlise your business success, or lack thereof.

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2. Learning self-leadership from horses in Tuscany

On this week’s episode I’m taking you back to Tuscany - literally - to share with you a lesson learned on self-leadership from a few very special teachers - horses. A time in my life where I lived in Tuscany, volunteering for Italian Horse Protection turned out to teach me a lot about how to apply self-leadership in my business in dance music.

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1. On a mission to decondition - using Human Design

On this week’s episode I’m sharing my innermost thoughts and feelings about unlearning everything society has conditioned me to do - work, hustle, grind, that miserable 9-5.
Even though I never believed in that system, I did always work a shit ton. So I’ve embarked on a mission to decondition. And I’m using Human Design to do it.

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