How to stop stalling in music production and finish your tracks
My clients often struggle with creative blocks in music production. They avoid getting started or even get scared. They feel overwhelmed, have no idea where to start, how to make ideas real and finish their tracks.
Even if you feel it’s simply because you don’t have the time, there’s usually something bigger at play.
Often it comes down to not feeling good enough, not knowing how to do things and lacking confidence in themselves and their skills as a producer.
When you haven’t finished a track in months, even with so much time to kill, and you don’t know why, it’s safe to say you’re done feeling frustrated and so ready to beat your creative blocks so that you can finish your tracks.
The first step to stop stalling in music production is uncovering what’s mentally blocking you
Uncovering what's mentally blocking you is the 1st step in overcoming this problem so that you can finish your tracks, and even finish them faster, more easily and with less frustration.
Now I know some of you might argue that, when you’re mentally blocked, thinking about what’s mentally blocking you isn’t going to help. To some of you, that might sound like vague, random, fluff advice.
I’m here to tell you that you’re dead wrong. More than that, I’ve found that the real problem is that you’re hiding behind excuses and you don’t even realise it, because those excuses have a way of posing as important tasks in such a sneaky way, that it can be hard to spot.
Music production is a mental exercise so when you get stuck, you gotta dig into your mind to find your blind spots, uncover what’s causing that block and gain clarity and insights into your own mental blocks so that you can get confident about your next steps in beating those blocks.
I mean, if you don’t know what’s wrong or what’s not working for you, how in the hell will you move past it? How can you get a different result by trying the same thing?
If you’re honest with yourself you know that you've got to try something new otherwise you’re going to have another year where you don’t get what you want and you don’t move closer to where you want to be with your music or the career you see yourself having.
If you don’t work on your mindset in music production, you won’t achieve what you want in dance music.
Here’s why:
1. You let yourself off the hook
Mindset work is uncomfortable. As human beings, we tend to choose the path of least resistance. It’s truly built into our brains as a way to survive.
Thing is, beating your creative blocks isn’t a matter of life and death. It’s not like suddenly saber-toothed tigers will jump out of your DAW when you are intent on finishing your tracks.
2. You tell yourself that you just need more time
More time does not equal more productivity in music production. We’ve all got the same 24 hours in a day. It’s how you make use of the time you have that sets apart the high achievers from those who just keep busy.
3. You suck at prioritizing things that can actually wait until tomorrow
Realize that it’s highly likely that you’re inventing things to avoid the important, which are the things that are going to make a difference in your career in dance music. Of course we all have a life to live and responsibilities to fulfil. It’s when you choose to overprioritize life stuff as an excuse to put off facing your creative blocks in music production, then you’re not being productive, you’re being busy. How do you expect to even finish a track in such a frantic state of mind? Being focused is what you’re after when you’re truly ready to finish your tracks like clockwork.
How to stop stalling in music production and finish your tracks
We’ve established that music production is a mental exercise. 80% of your success in dance music is mindset, the other 20% is strategy. So even if you’ve got the best strategy on the planet, if you’re not in the right mindset, even that killer strategy will fail you.
There are no cookie-cutter solutions to your problems, there are only YOUR solutions - the things that will work for you fully adapted to your own situation that won’t necessarily work for someone else. You with me?
The choice is yours.
Either you continue to sit with your problem, doing the same things over and over, and not getting the results you want, and complaining about the same issue for another year, dragging it out, and still not finishing tracks.
Or, you can gear up to take responsibility for your own wellbeing, and learn how you can stop stalling, stop complaining, stop feeling frustrated and start finishing tracks like clockwork instead.
I know you’re done sitting on your couch watching Netflix all day and feeling crap about not being productive in music production and ready to take action so that you can feel confident about your next steps to beat your creative blocks and finish your tracks!
That’s exactly what we’ll achieve when we hop on a free coaching call. My free calls don't just bring information, they give you transformation!
“I’m a big believer of every skill in life is transferable.”
What you learn in 30 minutes on a call with a coach like me cannot only give you clarity and confidence in music production, but also in life.
Here are 3 ways a free 30-minute coaching session will help you:
Identify what is mentally blocking you to help you understand where the overwhelm is coming from and face the fear so that you can actually get started on finishing your track, instead of letting it collect dust.
Hone in on your motivations and stop stalling out of sheer intimidation so that you can build confidence in yourself and your skills and finish your tracks faster.
Prioritise what truly matters and stop comparing yourself to others so that you can put the fun back in the process of music production without feeling anxiety.
This coaching call provides you with the clarity and insights you need in order to feel confident in your next steps for beating creative blocks to help you get started, make your ideas real and have fun in the process so that you can actually finish your tracks, and finish them faster, more easily and with less overwhelm, anxiety or frustration.
Why drag it out for another year or even 2 when you can get this kind of clarity within 30 minutes and as a result, finish a track within an hour or 2 and with the possibility of even having enough material done for a whole album within 2 months? Book your call today and get started right away >>>
Continue the conversation!
What’s 1 mental block you have identified and how have you overcome it? Share in the comments below and inspire other music producers to overcome their creative blocks in music production too!