Questions you should ask yourself before you hire a life coach

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This is the second installment of my miniseries on (night)life coaching. There’s a lot to say about the many different types of life coaches out there. But this content is geared toward people who are active in nightlife since that’s what I do best. However, I believe this can apply to anyone who’s interested in working with a life coach at some point in their lives. In the first post, I shared the top 7 questions you should ask a life coach before you start working with them. In this second post, I want to talk about the questions you should ask yourself before venturing out with a life coach. 

Nightlife is such an exciting environment! It can also bring up a lot of love/hate/guilt. There are times when you’re thinking, “this is a bit much, what am I doing?” On the other hand, you like it as a way to blow off steam from the stresses in life. How do you balance that? 

So, are you struggling to combine your full-time job with clubbing and healthy living? Or, are you living in love/hate/guilt because you rep DJs? Perhaps you’re juggling a job with 2-3 gigs per week?

(night)life coaching can help you to...

  • find work/(night)life balance so that you can face any challenge in life and in music head-on,

  • build confidence so that you don't end up comparing yourself to others,

  • deal with feelings of isolation so that you can feel like you're moving forward,

  • look after yourself and realize that you don’t need to feel like shit all the time,

  • use your skills to the fullest so that you're actually living your life.

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Find out what it can do for you. Let’s discuss that together in a 15-minute discovery call - no strings attached.

Before you even reach out to a prospective life coach, get clear on the following 3 questions.

  1. What do I want and why?

    This one is huuuuuge. A life coach can help you figure this one out, but believe me when I say, it will be a whole different story when you are capable of telling your coach what it is you want in the first place so that they can help you get it. Or at least, figure out who can help you get it in case they aren’t the right fit for you.
    Already knowing what it is you want requires self-knowledge and a certain level of emotional intelligence. Additionally, how well you know yourself will have an impact on how fast you’ll be getting results with a life coach.

  2. What am I willing to give in return?

    It’s not because you’ve paid the fee and made the appointment that you’re in the clear. You’ve gotta put a lot of work into your life coaching experience. In fact, you need to have an honest talk with yourself about how much you are really willing to give in return for getting the results you’re after. It’s not a magical solution that fits all. Transformation takes effort. And, the added value of each session - or anything in general, is directly tied with how much intention, attention, focus and thought you put into it yourself.

  3. How will I know life coaching helped me?

    In other words, what is your ideal outcome? How do you want to FEEL?
    You want to get really clear on this beforehand. Otherwise, what’s the freaking point of investing in something blindly? That’s just a no-no. And, it’s not up to a life coach to determine that for you. Coaching is action-centered. Your coach will guide you, but the work is entirely up to you. You need to be very intentional with where you invest your precious resources: your money, time, focus, attention, thoughts, and energy.


Need help diving deeper into uncovering answers to these questions? Here are 21 raving questions for self-reflection that can help you to get to know yourself better. 

To sum up, knowing what you want and why, understanding how much you are really willing to give in return - besides mula, and getting crystal clear on your ideal outcome is the perfect mix of party goods to have before you start with (night)life coaching. Not only will it help you fast-track your transformation but it’ll also give you a clearly defined starting point so that you can track your progress and evaluate the process afterward.

In the third installment of my (night)life coaching miniseries, I’m spilling the beans on why working with a (night)life coach is incredibly fascinating and how to find one that’s right for you. Here’s what I’ll cover:

  • How life coaching can transform you and the 4 things it has done for me - after submitting myself to it for 3 years.

  • 4 reasons why working with a life coach can help you.

  • Understanding how much YOU are willing to invest in working with a life coach.

  • How to find the right life coach for you - including paying attention to certification and training in an industry that’s lacking a singular regulatory, licensing body, or governing board.

This part of my (night)life coaching miniseries appears on Mind The Music, my radio show/podcast on well-being in electronic music, which airs monthly on Reform Radio. You can listen to it here >>>

I would love to hear from you!

What is one thing you took away from this post? Share your insights below and let’s continue the conversation!