Networking for electronic music artists: building a true following

how electronic music artists can build a true following.png

Fuck the numbers, please

10K followers on Facebook. Who gives a flying fuck? Let that go, for the love of all things holy. Do electronic music artists really need 10K followers to get more eyeballs on their work?

The key to more visibility is not in the numbers, it’s in the actual conversations you have with your community and fans. Building a true following comes down to networking and doing that consistently no matter what.

How do you get quick, organic 10K followers on Instagram?
You see questions like this and variations on it all over the internet. So many electronic music artists wonder about this. Fuck the numbers, please. Stop attaching importance to that. Especially when you are just starting out. It’s not going to matter if you don’t get engagement. The things people say about your content, your music, your activities are far more important than how many people are “following” you. 

You can have 10K followers tomorrow, but it’s not going to matter if nobody’s watching or listening to your music. The authentic engagement is what matters and that only happens if you have a true following.

How do you build a true following?
Networking is a key part of how electronic music artists build their brands and gain visibility.

It’s about aligning your own vision, values, skills, and talent with that of others. This is not just about you looking for your next opportunity. It’s not about getting, it’s about building something that is sustainable and supportive.

Remember this, labels, promoters,  fans - let’s call them your tribe, are all on the lookout for their next opportunity too! In the case of a label that could mean a new act to sign, an A&r looking for that one piece of music that’ll knock their socks off, a promoter who cannot wait to find the next DJ on their bill that’ll attract people to their event, a brand, tv show or film that is looking for music that translates their vision perfectly, fans looking for the next party to go to or music to buy, and the list goes on and on.

Point is, they’re looking to grow too.

You’ve got networking in electronic music all wrong

(Bunny rabbits? Gotta love that thumbnail…)

Networking is about being equal partners in the relationship
Whenever you reach out to a potential fan or customer, or a music industry professional, ask yourself:

  • How can YOU support their audience, followers, customers to help them get what they most want? 

  • How can YOU genuinely align yourself with them and help them reach THEIR goals?

  • What can you offer them that can be mutually beneficial?
    At the very least, you have kindness and appreciation to share. You shouldn’t even be reaching out to these people if you don’t have that. Somewhere, deep down, you appreciate what they do or what they are about. Otherwise, what's the point of even reaching out?
    Respect your time and theirs. If there’s no genuine intention of being of service, just don’t bother. 

It all starts in your mind

How can you see yourself as an equal without feeling like a total fraud or putting yourself above everyone else? A few tips below to help you get started.

Peer or groupie?
Peers support each other and are always ready to serve, to give, to help. They’re looking out for their friend, their acquaintance. They see themselves as equals. Fans or groupies don’t, because they generally perceive themselves or are perceived by others as “less than” (that doesn’t mean they are!). They are looking to get: free advice, exposure, an endorsement, a freebie, and so on. See the difference? Perception influences behavior. Perceive wisely.

Be empathetic, not needy
Be empathetic with the people you reach out to. They have worked hard to get to where they are now. And that also means they’ve had their fair share of struggle, criticism and continuously dealing with needy people who are only looking to get something from them. 

Potential fans get messages, see posts all the freaking time asking to subscribe to a Youtube channel, or buy the next release, or like this track and share on your socials. How can anyone care about you or your work if there’s no emotional connection? And why should they? They don’t know you yet, so give them that chance before you expect them to give you their attention. You’re not entitled to it. You need to deserve that level of trust.

Empathy is not connecting to an experience. Empathy is connecting the emotions that underpin an experience.
— Brené Brown, “Dare To Lead”

Don’t expect anything in return
This is the hard part. No matter how much you want this or how hard you feel you’ve worked for it, you need to let go of the outcome. And know that you’ll be faced with rejection. Focus on the process instead. Establish networking as a consistent habit that, when practiced regularly, will deliver results over time.

How long does it take to build a following?
Whether it’s on social media, or offline, as long as it takes. That’s probably not the answer you want to hear. But, if you’re focused on a timeline or a target, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. You can’t control the outcome: you can’t control exactly how many people you’ll add to your network and by when. 

This is a marathon, not a sprint.

Networking is a continuous process of connecting with people and cultivating relationships. 
It is easy to learn and yet many electronic music artists find it difficult to do because they let instant gratification get in the way. If it’s not happening fast enough, they abandon ship.

Like many things learning basic networking is fairly straightforward but gaining breadth and depth takes a lot of time and dedication.

Networking becomes difficult when you neglect to maintain and nurture your network of relationships over time regardless of changes in your situation. It should be no surprise that it is difficult to reach out to your network in times of need if you only value your network when you need them.

Let’s continue the conversation!

What is 1 insight you’ll start putting into action right away and why? Share in the comments below and let me know!