How to amp up your productivity week by week in between big nights out

Do you sometimes feel completely lost between all the things you want to do or think you should do but don't have a clear vision? You don’t have clarity about who you are or what you want in music and in life. You're busy doing things and you see some progression, but it always feels like it's never enough, not good enough, and it doesn't make you truly happy. By the end of the week, you realize you didn’t get things done. You’ve got big plans lined up so you’ll just do it next week, right? Double guilt creeps in and you’re on the same train next week unless you know how to do something about it.

In my video, I talk about 3 steps to amp up your productivity so that you can improve focus and get things done.

Check out the video below where I talk about 3 steps to amp up your productivity so that you can improve focus and get things done before you dive into your nightlife activities.

After you’ve watched the video, you can get started with the steps outlined below.

Step #1: Block 1 hour weekly on Friday for review AND planning
It’s important you plan this in because if it’s not planned, it’s not real and it’s never going to happen. And, on paper, is out of your head. So write it down or put it on your Google Calendar.

Do your weekly reviews and planning sessions on Fridays so you can go into the weekend in good conscience. Why weekly? It’s easier for our brains to remember what happened over the course of a week than to go back for more than 7 days. It’ll also take less time if you do this weekly rather than monthly or quarterly because you’ll have to do more digging, again, it’s easier to recall things that aren’t so far removed in time.

Step #2: Review the week
Ask yourself: What worked really well this week and what didn’t?

Understanding what worked well allows you to do MORE of that and replicate your success. Identifying areas for improvement will speed up your learning curve so that you don’t continue making the same mistakes over and over.

Step #3: Plan the following week
Go over your schedule for next week:

  • What appointments/meetings do you have coming up? Have you set aside time to prep for them?

  • What’s urgent, important and pending?

  • What are your top 3 goals for each day?

  • What are 3 ways you can focus more?

  • Did you plan your meals?

  • Did you plan time to rest and recover?

Do this every week and I promise you, you’ll feel so much more confident going into your weeks AND you’ll achieve bigger results.

Do you need help with how to reach bigger results and feeling more confident?
Do you feel completely lost between all the things you want to do or think you want to do but don’t have a clear plan?

I can help you with that in just 1 month’s time and in a convenient, accessible and affordable way.

Now I would love to hear from you!

Share your number 1 tip to improve your productivity weekly in the comments below.

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