Answering life coaching questions from people active in nightlife

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Welcome to the fifth and final installment of my (night)life coaching miniseries! Here I’ll be answering a few of the most frequently asked questions in my coaching practice. These are condensed, straight to the point answers but it goes without saying that more often than not, it takes a lot more time to really uncover the true answer within YOU! Since this is all dependent on each and every individual case, I can’t give one-size-fits-all answers, nobody can. However, I do want to touch upon general themes that keep popping up to give you a sense of what the solution could look like for you. If you have other questions, let me know in the comments below this post and I’ll be happy to update this page with more answers!

Do you want to read the other posts in this (night)life coaching miniseries? Click below to check them out– enjoy!

  1. 7 questions you should ask a life coach before you start working together

  2. 3 Questions you should ask yourself before you hire a life coach

  3. Why work with a (night)life coach and how to find one

  4. How to prepare for your first life coaching session

Navigating nightlife and life, in general, can be quite tricky for any human being on this planet. Sometimes you just get stuck in the mud. You come at a point where you don’t really love the work you do by day and want to find something you really like and that, ideally, ties in with your love for nightlife. You struggle with knowing what you really want to do and be. Nightlife is a sweet escape but can also have a negative impact on your life when you don’t have the power in you to say stop - stop staying out so late, stop drinking and stop using other substances.

At some point, you’ve had enough. You lose your energy, you feel so exhausted and you never feel satisfied with anything. That’s when it’s time to find a way to raise your awareness about the problems you have and how to move to actions that will have the desired results.

Below you can find some of the most common questions people in the dance music industry have asked me. May they serve you to start thinking about taking action yourself.

How can I make more time for music?

You can’t make more time. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Unless you can build a time machine or master the power of freezing time, you need to stick to what you can control. And that means that you just need to make better decisions for yourself. Making a decision is a form of action. That’s quite the opposite of overthinking things and staying stuck in analysis paralysis - something I like to call, the worry flurry.

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Instead, consider this: What are your priorities? And when you are working, are you really working towards a goal you’ve set or are you inventing things to avoid the important?

How can I beat overwhelm and get things done?

Having a vision for what you want will lead to taking actions, with effect. So, what is it that you truly want, and why? How does that tie in with your most important values? In the end, that’s what motivates you on a deeper level. Create a plan around those values if you want to achieve results. Without a plan, you’ll just stay stuck in the mud.

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How to stay focused and productive on minimal sleep?

Get enough sleep! Your lifestyle won’t always allow it, I know. For DJs and people active in nightlife, it’s not evident to get a regular amount of sleep every night. It's important not to plan too much the next day. In fact, I suggest you plan in your meals so that you don’t skip them and plan in some light exercise like yoga or swimming. Practice meditation and breathing exercises to energize yourself during the day. And remember, you chose this life. You’re responsible for how you feel about it. If this lifestyle is really wearing you down, the first thing for you to do is to talk to someone about it. You don’t need to change direction right away or figure out your next moves all on your own. You can only do that with a clear head. So know that there’s help out there for you.

How can I overcome feelings of anxiety right before I step into the DJ booth?

You want to uncover limiting beliefs you have about your performance. Maybe you’re a perfectionist that prepares gigs weeks in advance, only to take them apart hours before the gig, because you think you can do better. If that’s the case, where is that belief coming from? Limiting beliefs are stories we tell ourselves that keep us small. Where do those stories come from? What are the sources of your limiting beliefs? It may be something you heard your parents say all the time, or perhaps it’s an experience from your adulthood, something a friend told you and you believed it to be true, a bad experience that keeps you from stepping outside your comfort zone. Consider the following areas: Work, relationships, health, family, finances, faith, music.

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1 tool that’s great to overcome anxiety is meditation, which you should practice daily to really feel the benefits.

My coaching process is designed to be the foundation for feeling good so that you can take control of your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. It helps you to see that when you feel good, you do good and that manifests things in your life that you can be happy about. When you feel confident and empowered, and know what you need, you can build a life around strong values and do what really makes you happy. And isn’t that what we all crave, in the end?

I would love to hear from you!

Do you have any burning life coaching questions? Post them in the comments below and I’ll update this post for you!

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