Why numbing stress with partying isn't (always) a good idea

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If you don’t have a clear direction in your life, then it can feel really daunting to get up each day and feel motivated about your day because you really don’t know where you’re going or what to do. It can be tempting to try to escape that feeling by going out and try to forget about it altogether. You’re emotionally numbing yourself with partying. Of course, you end up at an afterparty because what’s there to go home to for you to be excited about? The thought of being confronted with that can bring up a lot of stress, anxiety and overwhelm. Evidently, your nightlife shenanigans won’t offer you the clearheadedness and the energy you need to actually figure out what you want to do. Hello, vicious cycle!

Before you venture out into the weekend, watch the video below where I talk about why numbing your stress with your nightlife activities isn’t always such a good idea.

You’ll learn:

  • Why you might be doing it and how it ties in with not having a sense of direction in your life,

  • How to understand if this behavior is intentional or unintentional using the Self Coaching Model,

  • How to reframe unintentional behavior into intentional attitudes that will have a positive impact on you so that you can move forward.

After you watch the video, start practicing the steps of the Self Coaching Model as they are outlined below the video.

The Self Coaching Model - CTFAR

Circumstances trigger Thoughts, 
Thoughts determine your Feelings,
Feelings determine your Actions,
Actions lead to

Step 1: Uncover your unintentional pattern

You want to start by writing down what comes up for you following the above steps. This will help you uncover a negative pattern that is an unintentional one.  

If it’s not unintentional and you’re engaging in destructive behaviors on purpose, I highly encourage you to reach out and talk

Step 2: Reframe into positive results

We want to reframe these into intentional attitudes so that you can choose positive thoughts that will have positive outcomes. You do this by going through the steps again and writing down what you’d like to think instead and get intentional about a positive result.

GroundingMeditation V3.png

Practicing meditation daily enables you to grow a sense of inner strength and stability, a source of infinite energy you can always tap into.

After you’ve practiced these steps, I’d love to hear from you!

Which unintentional patterns have you uncovered and how have you reframed them into positive results? Share in the comments below and let me know!

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