Do you know when the party's over?

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Do you keep losing control - sometimes more than you would like to, and then feel really guilty about it after? Why do you keep doing that? You barely see the positive in it anymore and yet, you keep doing it.

Not knowing when the party’s over for you can bring a lot of negativity into your life and you know it.

But you have no clue WHY in the hell you keep doing this, what you’re trying to escape or hide from and how to change your lifestyle and quit some of those bad habits. 

In this video I talk about:

  • Why a lot of this behavior is based on automatic drive and why it’s easier for you to keep doing that, then to actually change it, 

  • How to recognize when the party’s over and 5 examples of when it’s REALLY time to go home,

  • Why you should always go home before the lights go on - IMO,

  • Partying vs. going on a bender and the vicious cycle of guilt aka what happens when blowing off steam, FOMO, and hangiety make a baby.

Facing hangxiety?

Meditation is one of the greatest tools to help you cope! It is a common belief that meditation is beneficial for our health. We raise our (self)awareness so that we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the things that transcend us. Usually, what stands in the way of raising our level of (self)awareness is our mind. Clear your head from those negative thoughts with meditation and ease your mind. You don’t need to spend 1 hour a day on your meditation pillow to experience the benefits of meditation.

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I designed a FREE guided grounding meditation to help you get started. It’s quick and easy so that you can do it anytime, anywhere! It will help you to stay grounding and focused so that you can face your hangxiety head on!


Got a friend who’s struggling with knowing when the party’s over? Share this post! They’ll understand that they are not alone in this and hopefully get a deeper understanding of their own behaviours and patterns.

Let’s continue the conversation!

Why do you think it’s so hard for you to know when the party’s over? Share in a comment below and let me know!