Busy building a career in electronic music, but are you living your life to the fullest?
You want to see how far you can get with music and you’re a do or die when it comes to that. It’s the only thing you’ve ever felt so motivated to do in all your life. At the moment you’re just DJing but you’re hoping - if you can ever get your Mondays off of your day job, that you can wrap your head around music production. Producing your own music is something you would love to do and you’d aspire to make it a full-time career, which you know is hard, but you want to give it a shot.
You fear you’re not making the most of your time.
You would like to promote yourself more as a DJ, express your own identity and create a following so that you can inspire others, but you’re not feeling motivated. It doesn’t seem like you’re moving forward, achieving. You're the world’s worst procrastinator and you don’t have a can-do mentality. In fact, the only one that’s really stopping you from getting out there is you! Deep down you know it. You may not be ready to own up to it yet, but you’re full of excuses.
You’re not unhappy though, quite the opposite. You’ve got such a dream and there’s still so much you want to do in your life. Your life is going well and still, you keep thinking, “What is going to go wrong, this is too good at the moment, I’m in a good relationship, my career is going well, I’ve got nice friends”. The fear that something’s going to go wrong is there. It feels like someone is going to pull the rug from under you.
You’re afraid you're not living your life to the fullest and the thought alone takes your breath away, literally.
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DJing has always been the highlight of your week. Sometimes you have wobbles, quiet spells even. When you go 3 weeks without a booking, you freak out so much. At first, it’s great, because you have some time off, but by the end of those 3 week syou’re panicking, “Oh my god, what if I don’t get booked again, what if I’ve had my time?”. You get in your own head about it.
All it takes is a tiny mad idea to hijack your happiness.
We are all born into love and pretty soon after fear is introduced. All it takes is one tiny mad idea to hijack your loving mindset. It doesn’t matter when this tiny mad idea arrives - whether it was in your childhood and you held onto it until now or if it is now, as you are reading this. All it takes is that tiny mad idea to detour you back into fear.
Something like, “I’m not good enough”, or “This won’t last”, or “It was just a coincidence or dumb luck” can separate us from love. The metaphysical text A Course In Miracles - one of the fundamental pillars of my coaching teachings, refers to this as ‘dissociation’, which according to the Course simply means “a decision to forget.” You CHOOSE to forget that you are just as loveable, worthy and valuable just like anybody else.
The emphasis is on choice here, because you cannot be equally devoted to 2 conflicting things, so you either choose love or you choose fear.
Most of the time, you choose fear.
You see, your ego likes to stay in control. Ego here doesn’t refer to the ego of psychology, but a fearful way of thinking.
The ego keeps you in a world of comparison, better than and less than:
Your music is less than in comparison to the music of others,
You should have played at that festival because you are better than,
You can’t apply for that job because you’re less than, and so on.
With social media, you’re watching people, your peers, who are at a similar level, get bookings and you’re like, “Ah shit, why didn’t I get that booking?”.
“Listen to what the ego says, and see what it directs you to see, and it is certain that you will see yourself as tiny, vulnerable and afraid. You will experience depression, a sense of worthlessness, and feelings of impermanence and unreality.”
This is all an illusion and to further keep you in this illusion, the ego leads you to attack yourself and others, making you into a victim of your circumstances. Victimizing yourself sets you up for failure, in music, and in life.
The Course says, “Perception is a choice and not a fact. The world you see is an outside picture of an inward condition.” The ego wants to make sure you don’t change your mind about fear. And so, when you keep choosing fear, fear is all you’ll see.
What do you see when you look at your life? Surviving or thriving?
It’s the difference between going through and surviving your everyday life and thriving in your everyday life. If you have good mental well-being, you’re more thriving, you’re coming up with good ideas, you’re being creative and productive, as opposed to surviving and sort of getting through every day, taking it day by day.
If this is where you’re at, you have a word with yourself and realize that everyone’s journey is different. It’s not going to be go go go forever. You want to do this for a long time, you want longevity and for that to happen, you’ll need to be patient. It’s not going to happen really quickly.
Observe yourself the next time you feel happy about something you’ve achieved, no matter what it is. Which thoughts pop up? When you notice those thoughts are fearful, know that this is a choice and that means you can choose again, and again and again. You can change your mind about things. The choice is yours, what will you choose?
I would love to hear from you!
What’s the one tiny mad idea you have that spirals you into fear?