Overcoming self-judgement in the dance music industry

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You judge. In fact, we all do, all the fucking time. When you hear the word ‘judgement’, your first thought is about your judgement towards others. But mostly, you judge yourself. 

Self-judgement is a trap you easily fall into within the dance music community. You compare yourself and your music to the competition, you secretly resent a peer for getting to play a slot at that festival you wanted and it must mean you're not good enough, you judge yourself for not knowing what you want and not making the most of your time.

Your self-judgement keeps you trapped.

It stops you from living your life freely, from putting your music out there and from seeing potential opportunities.

Understand that you are not seeing the bigger picture. If you would, you wouldn’t need to detour back into fear, the fear of not knowing. You would just feel at peace with everything that’s happening around you and within you.

So, as long as you keep falling into that trap of self-judgment, it won’t matter how many chances you get, or which label or company notices you and your talent. As long as you don’t let go of judgements, you won’t feel fulfilled, no matter what you have achieved.

In this video I talk about:

  • How you judge others, but mostly yourself,

  • How a competitive, high-pressure environment like the dance music industry sustains that attitude,

  • How you won’t be able to make a living doing what you love if you keep judging yourself,

  • Even with all the success in the world and achievements on your resumé, you’ll never feel fulfilled if you keep judging.

After you’ve watched the video, I’d love to hear from you: what’s 1 thing you took away from this and how will you put this insight into action so that you can break free from the judgment trap you’re in? Share it in the comments below for others to see and get inspired by. 

Allowing yourself to not have your shit together is a great next step forward and something you are allowed to lean into. Focus on what you CAN control, focus on your potential, opportunities and resources, like your creativity, imagination, courage and passion.

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Remember that, no matter how successful other people may seem, this does not mean that they constantly feel good about themselves, and are free of self-judgment, like self-doubt and lack of self-acceptance.

It causes people to hold back from making changes that would lead to far greater fulfillment. And so, they’ll often remain in a stagnant situation until a change is thrust upon them, and then feel overwhelmed by the crisis they face.

Let’s continue the conversation!

What’s 1 judgement you’re willing to let go of, starting today? Share in the comments below and let me know.