Emotional Freedom tool For Your Emotional Hangover After A Big Night: A Guided EFT Exercise
1 tool to help you feel a sense of relief if you suffer from a migraine or delayed hangover headache after a night out
The other day I was doing a meditation session with a client. I asked her what she wanted to do and she wanted to know if I had anything for migraines. I suggested we do an EFT exercise: Emotional Freedom Tapping. (I explain how to in my video below.)
EFT can help bring relief from your most pressing issue, or your MPI. Before you start it’s recommended that you rate your MPI so that you have a reference point for measuring your level of relief. You measure on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being the most emotionally charged and 0 being zen.
My client’s MPI before tapping was 7. We tapped a few “negative rounds” and her MPI started to go down slowly to 6.5.
Then something very interesting happened. As we started to do the “positive rounds”, the MPI remained the same, even after several rounds.
When I asked her what was coming up for her during those positive rounds, she said she felt annoyed with herself and guilty, because she knew what triggered her migraine. She had been drinking the night before.
I bet this will sound painfully familiar for all of you nightlife lovers - no pun intended. How many times have you gone out and drinking, only to feel a terrible migraine or even a delayed hangover headache the next day? It’s not just that. Sometimes you’re also suffering from an emotional hangover due to the guilt trip you experience after drinking, also called hangxiety. And hangxiety can be a bitch.
What is Emotional Freedom Tapping?
It combines tools, techniques, and practices like acupressure, meditation, visualization, and NLP.
Even though you can tap on your pain too, notice what comes up for you below the surface and tap on those feelings.
For my client, holding on to that guilt after drinking and beating herself up over it, kept her in a space of self-judgement. Those are not the best vibrations to relieve yourself of pain - both physically and especially mentally.
Your self-judgement keeps you trapped. It stops you from living your life freely, from putting your music out there, from seeing potential opportunities and from building a life around your passion in nightlife. How will you be able to make a living in the dance music industry doing what you love most, if you keep beating yourself up over choices you’re not happy about?
Do you need help to understand…
what you can do to overcome guilt and self-judgment?
how you are holding yourself back from seeing potential opportunities?
what to improve to make the most out of your time?
Let’s jump on a call and explore possible solutions for you so that you can move forward and takes steps to make a living doing what you love.
After you’ve watched the video, follow the steps below the video to start tapping. You’ll also be able to download a transcript to help you along until you get the hang of it and feel confident enough to make up your own script.
Steps to Emotional Freedom Tapping
Either side of the body is fine for tapping points.
1. Know the meridian points
You can see the different points to tap in this image and I also demonstrate them in the video.
Either side of the body is fine and you can use both sides of the body interchangeably.
2. Rate your MPI (most pressing issue).
Place your hand on your heart, breathe in and notice where you’re on a scale from 0-10.
Download your tapping script to get started >>>
3. Tap on negative feelings.
We’ll begin by tapping on the negative thoughts and feelings. We’ll do 2 negative rounds. This is meant to honor your feelings of fear, resentment, and discomfort. Round 1: negative round - tap on the negative feelings 2-3 times. Or more, as long as you feel is needed, and until you start to feel a sense of relief. The first few times can take a while. Sometimes you may need to keep tapping for 20-30 minutes even.
4. Tap on positive feelings
As soon as you start feeling a sense of relief, rate your MPI, take a deep breath in and start a positive round.
I would love to hear from you!
How do you feel after a tapping session? Let me know in the comments below!