Mind The Music Episode 015 - Why work with a (night)life coach and how to find one


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If this is your first time tuning in, let me quickly introduce the show. Mind the music focuses on well-being in electronic music and I explore how we can achieve that, through interviews with people who are active within the dance music industry and outside of it.

In this episode, I’m taking over and I’ll be talking about why you should work with a life coach, or in my case, a nightlife coach and how to find one.

If you’re thinking, “I don't need any life coaching,” I don't blame you. It used to seem fluffy and kinda sketchy to me too. I mean, someone to help you with your life? Do you need fixing? What does this life coach know that you don't, right?

There are many, many things a life coach can help you with, like,

  • Setting and achieving goals and objectives.

  • Planning — business, career and life.

  • Blasting through blocks and fears.

  • Clearing clutter - mental clutter.

  • Financial security and independence.

  • Balancing business and personal life.

  • Making key decisions and designing strategies for success.

Coaching is learning how to organise and use specialised knowledge for self-awareness techniques and self-development tools after you acquire it. You don’t necessarily need to have all of that knowledge in your possession. That’s what you use a personal coach for.

Put simply, whatever it is you want, a life coach helps you to get things done.

In this episode, I cover…

  • How life coaching has transformed me.

  • 4 reasons why working with a life coach can help you.

  • Understanding how much YOU are willing to invest in working with a life coach.

  • How to find the right life coach for you - including paying attention to certification and training in an industry that’s lacking a singular regulatory, licensing body, or governing board.

Unlike therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists, life coaching doesn’t have a singular regulatory, licensing body, or governing board. But there are self-regulating professional communities out there that aim to serve prospective coaching clients, protect consumers and make sure they’re getting what they paid for based on an established set of standards. One of the most established ones is probably the ICF - the International Coaching Federation.

That’s something to keep in mind when you go looking for a life coach. You might also want to consider hopping on a call with your prospective life coach first before you decide to start working with them, so that you can ask them a few questions that will help you understand how they work, how they can help you and what you’ll need to invest.

Once you’ve listened to this episode, don’t forget to your free guide “21 Raving Questions For Self-Reflection”. This neat 8-page PDF will help you to challenge negative beliefs and get to know yourself better.

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Connect with me!

  1. Find out more on holistic coaching and how you can work with me over at theunicornmothership.com.

  2. Follow Mind The Music on Facebook.

  3. Continue the conversation in The Peacock Muster, my online coaching community on Facebook.

  4. Feeling extra loving? Leave me a review on iTunes!

Eline Van AudenaerdeComment