Mind The Music Episode 014 - What is it like to work with a holistic coach? A client tells all


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What is holistic coaching? What can it do for you and do you really really need it?

I can educate people on it all I want - and do, but nothing is more powerful than hearing from the clients themselves. 

In this episode I’m letting one of my clients do the talking. We have a very honest conversation about his experience working with me in a transformative and quite intensive holistic coaching program. (Take a peek behind the scenes of this episode!)

I feel this is important for many reasons, but I’ll name 2:

1. It allows you, the listener to discover more about what type of holistic coaching I provide and what the results are that a person can obtain through using it in a unique way: I’m pulling back the curtain on my coaching approach and literally inviting you in to experience what it’s like to work with me. And this is done very rarely.

2. More importantly, doing this allows my clients to have a voice and make a meaningful positive impact on the experience. 

I never had the feeling that you were judging me. You were like an open window on things.
— Johan Hoogewijs

So have a listen, as one of my clients tells all about our collaboration together.

We cover topics like time management, setting goals and meeting deadlines, how your behaviour and energy impacts others and coping with rejection.

He shares


  • What his mindset was like before we got started and how it changed as a result of us working together,

  • His biggest struggles with focus, setting goals, time management, handling criticism, managing expectations, juggling many different kinds of input from various stakeholders,

  • How he got rejected for the very first time in his long standing career as a film music composer and producer and how he struggled with that rejection,

  • How he still feels the positive effects of the coaching months after it happened and how people around him notice - and treat him differently as a result,

  • How his outlook on his music career and life in general has forever changed thanks to a sense of calm and confidence he did not possess yet before the sessions.

I also talk about how I see the coach-client relationship and why changing your perception and outlook on things is a vital step in changing your mindset forever.

Once you’ve listened to this episode, don’t forget to check out my quiz to find out how you deal with rejection. PS. Don’t take it too seriously, I didn’t.

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  1. Find out more on holistic coaching and how you can work with me over at theunicornmothership.com.

  2. Follow Mind The Music on Facebook.

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Eline Van AudenaerdeComment