24. Why this now?
Recent events in my life - among which the passing of my sister, prompted me to turn to multiple sources for support and guidance, and mostly the record keepers of my Akashic Records.
I came away from these visits with a very important piece of advice. Something to help me face the immense challenges I’ve been presented with these past few months - heck, this whole year of 2022!
The advice and guidance I received helped me to:
show myself compassion and grace in times where I constantly felt like I was taking 2 steps forward and then 3 steps back,
understand how to keep moving forward even it meant crawling on my hands and knees through the proverbial mud whilst life was throwing shit at me - fast and furious,
come face to face with my scarcity and go into a deep, meaningful conversation with it
Oftentimes as human beings we are presented with massive amounts of contrast. It feels like life is coming at us so relentlessly, we doubt if we can even do any of it anymore.
We wonder how to get through a difficult time, how to stay strong in difficult times, and to keep the faith that hard times will pass.
This is how I’ve felt for the majority of this year and there’s 1 thing I learned from all of this that has helped me surrender to the hardships - rather than try to bypass it with toxic positivity or just plain denial.
Press play now to hear you can do this too!
Being in the presence of someone like me who has accomplished what I have is one of the most empowering, inspirational experiences you’ll ever live through when it comes to transforming your life. And I know this from experience.
Mentorship with me is open. Only to those who feel pulled. Towards me. Who feel like hell yes I want to be around her and see where she takes me on this journey that is me. (DM me ‘Mentorship’ @theunicornmotherhip on IG if you want the deets)
Because there is energy entanglement. Intuitive moves. Which call for courage, because following your intuition is challenging if you’ve been conditioned to follow reason all your life.
Is that something you’d love to dive deeper into, and like me, give yourself more permission to actually listen and act on it?
Then I invite you to check out my 4-part mini series on The Power Of Intuition.
In this series, I cover:
- what is the power of intuition?
- does intuition really work?
- why is intuition so important?
- and how do you tap into intuition?
DM me ‘intuition’ @theunicornmothership on Instagram and I’ll share the link so that you can get started!
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Follow me on IG @theunicornmothership - let’s chat, my DMs are open for you.
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